Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lincang Sheng Puer Style (Huo Ba Cha)

This bundle (150rmb/jing) of leaves is piled for about a year, picked '07, from an area a little north of the typical Puer locale. Technically not a puer at all, it is a sheng puer style, and even by those who consider it not to be a puer, in the next breath they will descibe it as sheng puer. It is softer than many sheng puer, and while its flavor is monotone, it is pleasing and does not upset the stomach. 10 steepings strong.

Sen Ye Shou Puer

A cheaper '06 shou puer (50rmb for 350g beeng) that wasn't bad at all. Touch of bite, and a single hued pallet, but after the tenth steeping, this flavor keeps on without developing the chalk or astringency of many a more expensive brand.

Anyone have a translation of this Chinese?

Anyone know where it is from?